Too Much to Handle

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. (James 1:2-3)

We all have times in our lives when our patience and our endurance seem to be running low.  Times that we may even think that we can’t take it anymore. When that happens to you remember that our Heavenly Father is a God of patience and comfort (Romans 15:5). He is always there for us, and will lead us through our problems if we trust Him and His leading.

Learning about how God has handled things in the past gives us knowledge of how He will handle the future. Remember the story of Job and how he endured? The Bible tells us, “We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy.” (James 5:11) So never give up, wait patiently and be sure, “Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance. (Hebrews 6:12)

Therefore, “May the Lord direct your heart into the love of God and into the patience of Christ” (2 Thessalonians 3:5) and, “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:4)

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